Africa Chapter
Development Stage
Number of members
617Collaborations chair(s)
Contact person
Chapter Updates
Kelechukwu Okezie
Catalyst 2030 provides great opportunity for self development. It enhances skills and cements bonds of opportunities and partnership. I have shared my work history and innovations through the movement. I look forward to more opportunities to grow my organization though funding opportunities and skills development.
Gisele Yitamben
I want to be part of a group that encourages the spirit of co-creation that empowers us all. I also want to be part of those who strenghten strategic direction by enhancing the understanding of local contexts and aligning initiatives with the sustainable development goals
Brian Maina
Blessing Akpan
Sarah sikuku
Wieke de Vries
John Wabwire SHIKUKU
Knowledge Sharing: I'd like to contribute by sharing my expertise in AI-powered storytelling and data visualization, helping to amplify the impact of Catalyst 2030 initiatives and projects. Content Creation: I'll create engaging content (blog posts, social media posts, videos) to promote the movement, highlighting success stories, and showcasing the work of Catalyst 2030 members. Network Building: I'll leverage my professional network to connect Catalyst 2030 members with potential partners, col
Anneloes Roelandschap
Asikaralu Okafor
Oluwaseun Sangoleye
Wendy Chamberlin
Amadu Mohammed
Innocent Turyahikayo
Frank Beadle de Palomo
Mohamed Okash
Brian Maina
The need to be in a network of other social entrepreneurs
Oluwafunke Adeoye
Alhassan Nuhu
Jerry Adesewo
Epraim Mutombeni
Yango L. Zayzay
Enock Ebbah
Given Chifunda
David Nungow Gabe
Samantha Sibanda
karen sherman
Steven Shimirwa
Izuchukwu Okafor
Sonwabo Modimoeng
I want to bring in my experience on Social entrepreneurship and also learn from my peers.
Sabrina Zurga
Tantoh Nforba
I am willing to share my expertise to other communities across the continent of Africa and beyond
Daniel Ajudeonu
Estelle Ngouanga celestine
catherine salim
Stephen Rwagweri
We assembled 23 years career experience into a social innovation titled Traditional Artisans inclusion which we wish to scale across Africa. We see Catalyst 2030 as a collaborative global platform from where we can build partnership, networking, collaboration for information sharing, knowledge building, technical and financial support required to scale the innovation. The Traditional Artisan Inclusion model (TA – I model) 1. The targeted development problem We are addressing industry and market exclusion leading to extreme poverty among traditional artisans in Africa who have artisan heritage as the only resource. Due to the neglect of the sector in modern capacity development investment, the persisting traditional artisans are remote rural and urban slum women and youth, indigenous people, the elderly, the chronically sick, persons with disabilities and the displaced who lack alternative source of income. Their ancient designs haven’t been consolidated as a distinct product line to generate its own relevant market in museums, research and cultural centers and streamline stages of crafting evolution, creating story diversity and increased market value. Due to their unique limitations of being generally illiterate, digitally excluded, physically and technically incapacitated, they are left out of the existing modern capacity development investment, elitist training models and the entire growth of the sector which now globally stands at the value of US$ 500 billion (2020) and growing at 20% per year (PBP, 2021). Amidst extreme deprivation, as a last resort, they cling to their artisan heritage, seeking source of livelihood, resilience, social relevancy and therapy. They constitute the poorest production group with individuals living on less than US$ 2 a day. In Africa, artisan practices exist in every community as a source of livelihood and a space of innovation, recreation and enhancing spiritual and social relationships. The sector is second to agriculture in providing employment and source of livelihood among people at grassroots and it has absolute advantage in reaching out and reclaiming productivity accompanied with therapy and restoration of social relevance among the most technically and physically incapacitated demographics and hence driving equity and inclusion. In 2024 sector mapping report Uganda acknowledges that the bulk of artisan skills are trapped in informal sector (MGLSD, 2014). Globally 60% of the workforce is informal and ILO estimates 300 million people to be underserved as home workers and many of these are traditional artisans. Using innovative tools and strategies to mitigate their unique limitations and build their capacity to meet market demands, availing their products to global markets through digital marketing solutions, traditional artisans will improve incomes and move from living on less than US$ 2 a day. 2. The targeted population category This innovation develops artisan products to access global market for the benefit of traditional artisans who are impacted by capacity development services and the overall transformative effect of the business. Traditional artisans are an economic category who manufacture goods using hands or simple tools individually or in small groups, relying on traditional skills and practices. Production and marketing is informal. Because the sector is relegated in investments, the persisting traditional artisans are remote rural and urban slum women and youth, indigenous people, the elderly, the chronically ill and the displaced who have limited economic alternatives and their endangered cultural materials and artisan practices are the only resources they have. There are often people in conditions of either extreme deprivation or technically and physically incapacitated that they retreat to handmade for source of livelihood, social relevance and therapy. 3. The development solution/TA – I social innovation a) The definition Traditional Artisan Inclusion model employs innovative tools and strategies to empower market excluded traditional artisans in Africa to consolidate ancient and create adaptive designs and delivering products to the global market through an online marketing platform linked to partner platforms, trade fairs and agencies. b) The core process of the model 1. Innovative training tools which are customized to unique limitations of traditional artisans, are developed and periodically reviewed 2. A network of community based TA - Inclusion facilitators, developed, grown and periodically appraised 3. Traditional artisans are mobilized and recruited pairing the elderly with the youth for intergenerational sharing 4. A catalogue and cataloguing frame which juxtaposes the ancient and adopted designs is developed and periodically updated and used in training and marketing 5. Three training modules using innovative and customized tools and focusing on consolidating ancient designs, creating adaptive designs, business and digital marketing are applied on cohorts of traditional artisans 6. Established and constantly developed and utilized an online marketing platform linked to other partner platforms, international trade fairs and agencies. 7. Craft categories with high market value including consolidated and adaptive designs are identified, production commissioned and products availed to global market through online marketing platform linked to partner platforms, international trade fairs and agencies. 8. Spontaneous, dramatic, ongoing and informal sharing of skills that develop into a chain training system is encouraged through awards c) The unique aspects of the model 1. Recognizing and targeting traditional artisans as a distinct production group 2. Innovative tools and strategies that are customized to the unique capacity, physical, technical and contextual limitations of traditional artisans 3. The strategy of pairing the elderly and the youth for intergenerational sharing of skills, knowledge, capabilities and perspectives 4. Encouraging ongoing, dramatic and spontaneous sharing of skills developing into a chain training system 5. Balancing sourcing of products for marketing with capacity development of the makers which is informed by the robust market and product research 6. Consolidating ancient designs into a distinct product line and create its relevant market in museums, cultural and research centers 4. The theory of change of TA – I model Preconditions 1. Applying innovative strategies of mobilizing and constantly engaging traditional artisans where the elderly are paired with youth. 2. Recruiting, training, inducting, periodically appraising and constantly engaging community based TA Inclusion facilitators 3. Applying 3 module customized capacity development to traditional artisans using innovative tools on consolidating ancient designs, adapting to changing lifestyle, business enterprise building and digital marketing skills 4. Developing and constantly updating master catalogue and cataloguing frame and utilizing in training and marketing. 5. Established and constantly developed and utilizing online marketing platform linked to partner platforms, international trade fairs and agencies 6. Ongoing encouragement of dramatic and spontaneous sharing of skills developing into a chain training system Required inputs to realize the preconditions include funding inform of grants, and equity and support in form of technical assistance, information and networking. Outputs 1. Established, constantly reviewed and applied innovative and customized capacity development tools and strategies 2. Traditional artisans who include the elderly paired with youth, trained in three modules 3. Established, periodically updated and constantly utilized in training and marketing a master catalogue and cataloguing frame 4. Established, utilized and constantly developing online marketing platform 5. Functioning partnerships with other online marketing platforms, international trade fairs and agencies 6. Market ready products in form of ancient consolidated and modern adapted designs 7. Sales and revenues on products of traditional artisans from international marketing and trading activities. Outcomes After undergoing a complete process of capacity development activities, traditional artisans who include the elderly paired with youth, are increasingly consolidating ancient designs into a distinct product line and availing products to newly developed specific relevant market in museums, culture and research centers. They are also increasingly adapting design skills to changing lifestyles and producing adapted styles. They are adapting technology enabled marketing and accessing the global craft market. They are managing business relationships with value chain partners and building viable micro artisan enterprises which are attracting further training, business financing, capital investments and marketing partnerships from ecosystem institutions. Ancient and adaptive designs are emerging as clear separate product categories, streamlining evolutionary stages in crafting, creating diversity of themes and stories and uses with associated increased market value. Long-term outcomes Traditional artisans in Africa who include the elderly and the youth competitively accessing global craft market and effectively integrated in capacity development programing and mainstream creative manufacturing sector and creating jobs across the value chain. Impact Traditional artisans in Africa who include the elderly and youth and predominantly of female gender increase incomes, improve livelihood and welfare and moving from living on less than US$ 2 a day per individual. Key assumptions 1. The economic, political, social, legal and health environment in targeted countries in Africa remain conducive 2. The most effective way of creating incomes among traditional artisans in Africa, who have artisan practices as the only resource is to improve capacity to access market 3. Consolidating ancient designs into a product line instead of only fusion of ancient and adaptive aspects, can diversify market and increase benefits to traditional artisans 4. The employed innovative mobilization and training strategies to traditional artisans, can mitigate their unique limitations and effectively boost their capacity. 5. The traditional artisans will access sufficient internet and power for minimum required digital operations The theory of change TA Inclusion model 5. Pathways and vision of scale Every community in Africa has craft practices and conditions of neglect of the sector are also common. The global craft market is potentially abundant. We plan to reach 2 million artisans, transform 1.5 million artisans into competitive market producers, 1.5 million active users of digital marketing platform, create 3 million jobs and increase family incomes by 90% in 5 years after pilot. We shall scale by hybrid model. Through partnership and collaborations and leveraging the ecosystem of social impact, we shall increase our global crafts market share and African countries where we develop makers, prioritizing where the sector is least developed. Expand by re-investing earnings and attracting impact public funding and institutionally engaging in collaborations, joint venture and franchise arrangements. While for profit can handle both capacity development and trading, the nonprofits handles capacity development and links producers to for profits to advance with trading. We are already a member of Catalyst 2030, a global collaborative platform of 3,000 organizations. We use this and other networks to establish collaborations and partnerships around scaling this innovation.
Godfrey Dzveta
Kristin Peterson
Kansualism Berk Kansuah
To network for the purpose of accelerating the implementation of the SDGs, and will focus on the planet and people.
Tosin Abolaji
Charles Maas
Luvuyo Rani
I wanted to be part of the community of global social innovators to shift the social sector.
Elena Bonometti
Emile Fourie
Ian Tarimo
Mayaya Singu Mack
Edinah Osinde
Janet Ricks
My organization is looking to collaborate with Catalyst 2030 to work on project implementation
Chigozie Bashua
Tapiwa Chimbadzwa
I'm looking into creating mutually beneficial business relationships, learn from the experiences of different like-minded people. The movement not only help shape the direction of my enterprise but also offer me an opportunity to grow professionally as an individual.
Arsene Ngombe
Our organisational mission and vision are well aligned to C2030 objective and we are building a key role in consolidating Catalyst SA Chapter. One of RIAHSAH Co.'s staffs is the co-chair of the SA Chapter.
Rosemary Okello-Orlale
To be empowered on SDG 2030 and to learn from experts' globally.
Oduolayinka Osunloye
Working together with others to build innovation world.
Wynand Espach
More focused working groups. We are in education and every time we feel we are linking with a group, it is at a completely different level to what we are targeting. Also find that often some of the presentations and events are not communicated correctly and we sign up for events that are not related to our field of expertise. This makes us reluctant to join as time is limited.
Thomas Mueller
To Help Destinations and Hosts restoring and strengthen economic sustainability as the foundation for a common good and sustainable tourism development. We keep more tourism spend in Destinations.
Kundai Makonese
Collaboration with other members and support from the secretariat
Mike Oyola
Creating a network of highly motivated individuals who share values of a better world for everyone
Moses Ssenyonjo
I met Debbi in New York and she shared about catalyst and its goals. I then made a decision to join
Clement Ishimwe Coffi
Andrew Wambua
Nathaniel Awuapila
Kristine Pearson
Solomon Ifeanyi Nathaniel
We joined Catalyst 2030 to enhance our impact as a non-governmental charity in The Gambia and Nigeria. Aligning with a global movement supports our mission to address educational and socioeconomic challenges, from providing educational resources to empowering women and youth. Catalyst 2030 offers the opportunity to connect with like-minded organizations and strengthen our efforts in supporting vulnerable communities and fostering social innovation.
Harouna Abdoulaye
more interaction and more capacity building
Johanssen Obanda
Doom Ikyaator
Sipho Humphrey Sibanda
Aminu Babangida
I hope one day the community we served will fill the impact as result of catalyst 2030
Kelechukwu Okezie
Catalyst 2030 provides great opportunity for self development. It enhances skills and cements bonds of opportunities and partnership. I have shared my work history and innovations through the movement. I look forward to more opportunities to grow my organization though funding opportunities and skills development.
Solange Rosa
Michael Ukwuma
Christopher Ejike Anekwe
Lynne Smit
Betty Mbithi
Bidemi Oladipupo
I joined Catalyst because I am deeply inspired by its mission to drive innovation and positive change within the community. My motivation stems from a desire to be part of a movement that aligns with my values of growth, collaboration, and impact. I aim to contribute to the Catalyst movement by leveraging my skills and experiences to support our shared goals. Whether it's through active participation in projects or collaborating with others to develop innovatives
Persol Osayande Paul
Daniel Kisekka
I am motivated by the passion to make positive and long lasting impact to the community
I am passionate about giving back to the community which is what we do in Catalyst2030.
Segun Alimi
Taddy (Adam Paul) Blecher
Gretchen Steidle
Albert Juma MUtabazi
Richard Mugobo
Angela Benson
Princess Olufemi-Kayode
Michelle Matthews
Matilda Maseno
Nkechi Tessie Udegboka
Linda Kuvheya
Victor Ogallah
To work collaboratively with the broader team as well meet the global team to partner and share ideas.
Patricia Njoku
Chinwendu Anozie
Rebecca Bakare
El Hadji Amath Ba
Lucas Okinyo
Balyahamwabo Paulin BASHONGA
I joined the movement to be part of the Cocreator and catalyst of change but also sensitize other to join for a joint advocacy, hoping also that the movement will help to connect me to ressourcefull people and funding to contribute to achievement of the common goal.
Willie Workman oga
To network and share ideas about pushing the SDGS vision of 2030
Jack Msibi
Appartenir à un mouvement mondial qui promeut l'entreprenariat social
Tim Conibear
Mapenzi Masilani
Akufuna Muyunda
The motivation to join Catalyst 2030 stemmed from a deep desire to collaborate with like-minded social entrepreneurs and changemakers dedicated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I hope to contribute my experience in community empowerment, environmental sustainability, and youth engagement to the movement, sharing best practices and innovative solutions from my work with YVE Zambia. In return, I seek to receive invaluable insights, support, and collaboration opportunities.
Jane Muigai Kamphuis
Shauna Davidson
Clivate Maiba
Mohamed Guireh Galab
Moses Albert
Peter Badimak YARO
Yusuf Nurudeen
Shona McDonald
Collaborations that strengthen inclusion across all sectors
Wycliffe Ngoko Oloo
Lydia G.D. Gaye
Teresa Njoroge
Robin Bleekers
Abdul-Moutie Abrahams
Katongo Musukuma
Oreofe Adewole
Joshua Konkankoh
Emmanuel Wogu
Joseph Bamwite
Nchimunya Hamukoma
Joshua Kipyego Bali
Onyeka Titigbe
Oru Chinelo Cynthia
As an individual, I hope to contribute to the Catalyst2030 movement by actively engaging with the community, sharing my knowledge and skills, and supporting collaborative efforts to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I aim to participate in discussions, offer my unique perspective, and contribute to the development of innovative solutions to global challenges. In return, I look forward to receiving guidance, inspiration, and a sense of purpose from the Catalyst2030 community.
Barbara Sematimba
Stronger ecosystems of Civic spaces across continents and countries.
Shamiso Mangongo
Eme Iniekung
Sanjay Matadeen
Faith Abiodun
The need to belong to a community of social entrepreneurs and to learn from experienced professionals
Nontando Mthethwa
Vincent Atitwa
Am here to learn and share my life experience with like-minded people ,make collaboration and support each other to grow our work and organisation ,
Alex Kelly
Jane Nkuba
Lawrence Dieto
Sia Towo
Lyse Comins
Julia Milligan
Ruth Ataguba
Dina Randrianasolo
Deepen knowledge and collaboration
Adelina Sambala
Alex Bignotti
I joined because I was invited by a friend who strongly recommended I join. I am honestly too swamped with my academic work to be connected to what is going on. Catalyst is too big for me. I wish I could find my academic voice and purpose in it, but I fear that if I raise my hand I'll be roped in at a level that is not healthy for me at the moment.
Monicah Yator
Louise W Siaway
Sophie Baker
Jacqueline Patrick
Kathy Marshall
Petra Rees
Anele Ngowaphi
Martine Amanda Manishimwe
Femi Taiwo
Harriet Mukajambo
I am very enthusiastic about achieving SDGs and Catalyst 20230 gives an opportunity to share,learn from a global pool of likeminded people
John Kamma
I look forward to contributing my time and knowledge in peace building and the rule of law with the aim to learn from other perspectives and in their areas of concentrations hoping that together we can unleash our collective potential for systemic change.
Philip Boakye
Steven Lichty
Vincent Obi
To collaborate with like-minds towards achieving the SDGs
Isaac Ssekamwa
Glowreeyah Braimah
Nike Akerele-De Souza
Sylvia Nalubega
I wanted to be part of a large network of change makers, to learn from them and also amplify my work.
Tumpeyo Baari
Muhire Jean Claude
am motivated to be part of catalyst because am interested to promote mental health in Rwanda as well as globally to achieve to the SDG's goals. collaboration is what am looking for in catalyst as I am a social entrepreneur who is currently running an initiative of online based mental health promotion through my Platform M250 TV (You Tube & Instagram). am a founder of Rwanda Mental Health Awareness And Supportive Organization Which is aimed to raise mental health awareness among Rwandan and support those ones who need mental health support. all my goals are based on sustaining wellbeing as am an active member on Rwanda Health And development and member of build2heal in which all of them are keeping the wellbeing of the Rwandan community.
Ayodele Maji
Poonam Golani
Joshua Malunga
As personal I will share my best skills and knowledge i have to the members to make the group to grow. I have vast experience in project management and implementation.
Stella Sabuhoro
Shaan Keegan
Yemisi Jeff-Agboola
Barbara Nussbaum
Keen to give and receive; teach and learn to other changemakers; keen to collaborate with like minded people
Ahmad Hamwi
Tracey Chambers
Gilbert Aboagye Boye
Laura Bergh
I am already part of catalyst 2023 - Working group 4
Joy Tony
Mqaphelisi Sibanda
Scott Walker
Daniella Sachs
Ify Umunna
Veronica Nekessa
I was motivated by the impact Catalyst 2030 has created to make the world a better place
Emmanuel Hakuzimana
Lynn Elhadjali
Bahana Hydrogene
Sharing my experiences working with refugees with other network members. I will also bring in my expertise and lived experience to inform decision-making
Zara Bott-Goins
Marisa Van der Merwe
Janet Boakye
Aaron Pereira
I'm eager and I look forward to being part of a larger network to network and collaborate to impact lives. I'm also motivated to learn from network members in order to grow individually and at institution level.
Innocent Indeje
Sipho Mwanza
I believe collaboration and peer to peer knowledge sharing are key to achieving SDGs
Solomon Makuza
Michael Okello
Dan Joshua Oduor
Suleiman Ali Mohammed
Patrick i Ikwara
Flory Kazingufu
Charles Massawe
Gift Livata
Sharing ideas that help save the community from natural disasters
Tracey Gilmore
Randolphlyn Johnson
Greg Simpson
Irene Mutumba
Strategic networking, learning and sharing
Mary Palangwa
Brukty Tigabu
Caroline Mutimbambanyoka
Sharmi Surianarain
Evans Okinyi
Christian Schaefer
Molade Adeniyi
The calibre of people and work they are doing
Uwase Annick
Tolulope Nwobodo
Michael Ojo
Nancy Muindi
Connection with people that we share the same SDG in our work
Raidat Karim
anne osamba
Yvan Obiang Asseko
Peter Owiny
Many youths are finding it relevant
Dan Busobozi
Harliet Njenga
Kelvin Gwuma
Uchenna Okafor
Barbara Chivandire
John Gilmour
Hannes VdE // Rootical
Kennedy Odede
Gustave Mbina ilagou
Andrew Auruku
Atinuke Lebile
Aaron Justice Tsatsaku
Christine Mugambi
Francesca Tilmans
Samson Oloto
Jamils Richard Achunji Anguaseh
Joint our voices and actions to advance the SDGs
Daphne Nederhorst
Stephen Tumwesigye
Sameer Hajee
Nkweti Awa
Tamub can significantly contribute to the Catalyst 2030 network by sharing innovative sustainable agriculture practices and technological integrations, offering workshops and training sessions, and collaborating on joint initiatives to achieve the SDGs. We are looking to connect and collaborate with farmers and everyone involved in the processing ecosystem on promoting sustainable practices, and global resource sharing.
Shirley Coly
Vanessa Anyoti
Social entrepreneurship lens in Tanzania, ecosystem support skills.
Béatrice Koumba
Freddy MOMBO
Misheck Mlambo
Colin Habberton
Udeh Chinedu
We're looking for a body that preach what we're working on , a body that supports growth for children. This is Why we joined catalyst and we can't be less excited walking down the process in achieving the 2030 goals
Katelin Gray
Robyn Whittaker
Commitment to collaboration and shared work, to exploring and practicing the ways in which we can enable this, and to evolving powerful and effective social change ecosystems. Desire to be connected with others who share the same goals and who are willing to experiment with, articulate, advocate for and study new approaches into the relationality and trust that allow shared work to occur.
Mosun Layode
Nsimire Aston
To connect with social entrepreneurs across the world and build big community to solve most Africa problems affecting youth
Damilola Fasoranti
Washington Kiptoo
James Danga
For effective change and impact, the role of collaboration cannot be overemphasized. This is why I am here: to collaborate with people with similar minds and visions to make the world a better place.
Carol Dlamini
Suud Olat
Ismail Auwal
Molly Melching
Rhoda Makinde
Peter Akai Anum
To help achieve the SDGs
Tusiime Kenneth
Beau Milliken
James Koryor
John Malamba
Linda Asena
Victoria Mupinde
Yoram Banda
Odongo Martin
C30 is topnotch
Ndidi Nwuneli
Gibson Amenya
Sooter Nomhwange
Dorothy Akende
Activities members engage in,easy conversation and learning from members and network opportunities.sharing my expertise have given me room for improvement .
Enid Sirengo
Moses Semwayo
Mukasa Abdul Nassar
Fidele Mutoni
We joined catalyst because of its community-centered program of addressing SDGs programme and its wide members located all over the world
Joyce Laykah Kilikpo
Temitope Adegoroye
Erna van der Westhuizen
Pierre Camara
Esther Ijewere
By joining Catalyst 2030, I aim to contribute by leveraging my skills and experience to drive meaningful change and foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders. My goal is to help amplify innovative solutions and highlight successful initiatives that can address pressing global challenges. I hope to bring my expertise in media and communication to enhance the visibility of the movement's efforts, ensuring that impactful ideas and stories reach a broader audience.
Njambi Muigai
Fatima Jobe
Susan Kihara
Dale Lewis
Dylan Edwards
Ma motivation est toutes les causes que défend Catalyst et les objectifs à atteindre.
Aseka Miradi
Maryam Uwais
Elfredah Kevin-Alerechi
Samuel Agutu
Edwin Wanabe
I hope to contribute innovative strategies, grassroots insights, and collaborative projects to the movement, amplifying efforts for children's rights and education. From the community, I seek support, shared knowledge, and partnerships to enhance our impact, ensuring sustainable, inclusive solutions for the challenges faced by African children.
Dorien Beurskens
Gisele Yitamben
I want to be part of a group that encourages the spirit of co-creation that empowers us all. I also want to be part of those who strenghten strategic direction by enhancing the understanding of local contexts and aligning initiatives with the sustainable development goals
Karen Vollaire
I am part of the LESA Communications team. We support Catalyst 2030 with communications services. It is great to be a part of a network of changemakers and to contribute to something meaningful.
Benoit Hallier
Katongo Musukuma
Samuel Akinin
Ethel Koomson
Martin Fisher
Yame Nkgowe
Ziwa Hillington
To have Increased accountability and knowledge towards the business impact goals and systems thinking as well as access to impact investment networks.
Gomolemo Lolo Madikgetla
Lamwaka Alice Veronica
Lynnet Wawira Njeru
My motivation to join Catalyst is the ability to interact with other social entrepreneurs across the globe.
Orock Eyong
Michael Owino
Tusiime Kenneth
I believe in creating unconventional solutions to humanity's greatest problems and as a catalyst, I get the networks, resources and opportunity to do exactly that!
To improve the livelihoods of the communities .
Wamuyu Mahinda
Waithaka Ndegwa
Angela Brest
Dalitso Lungu
David Kuria
Prince Menkalo Gbieu
I am so excited to drive the change!
Diamond George Kamu
The movement excites me. I love being a part because it helps me get to learn and understand numerous global issues that the world is facing. The amazing part is the fact that I get learn and share my ideas with numerous groups of amazing individuals.
Salomé Meyer
Alice Amegah
Blessing Oladunjoye
Nchimunya Munyama
Jill LaLonde
I am on the Membership Selection and Onboarding Committee and look forward to continuing that involvement. I plan to get involved in more industry collaborations.
Walusimbi Raymond
its a very good idea
Cyrus Peters
I'm motivated to join a global social network that is bringing together organizations working towards global social change to end human suffering and protect our environmeents.
Bemeriki Bisimwa Dusabe
Gerald Nkona
Milkah Cherotich
Christiana Okere
Tamador Saeed
Roland Suomie
Unity in diversity strengthened effort in achieving sustainable result. I have always love working with people that empowers others to take ownership of their own health.
Linda Fremah
Achille Boubala Boussougou
Mpho Letlape
Sarah McCarthy
Henry Chigama
Ndikubwimana Sauteur
Andrew Muir
Rehema Namukose
Kyimiza Caroline Hyvon
Mercy Chang'ach
Katlego Chibamba
Rosemary Gathara
Amy Stokes
Menue Bainda
Being a part of Catalyst 2030 will allow me to work with a global network of social innovators. I'm excited to absorb knowledge from other viewpoints and use my own abilities to develop scalable, long-lasting solutions.
Jovi Chen
Samara Everman
Nicholas Odoll
Kumeinu Da-Tokpah
Christie Peacock
To collaborate with members to make the world a better place
Adi Shachar
Damaris Aswa
Bancy Ngatia
To create positive change collectively.
Ben Gori
Betty Abah
Ruy M. Santos
Uwizerwa Rachel
Ndomi Justin Budzi
Humphrey Hamoonga
Goodluck Chanyika
Oluseun Onigbinde
Shirley da Graca
Hamzat Lawal
David Ewusi-Mensah
Collaboration, knowledge sharing and impact
Mthokozisi Ndebele
Toto Geza
Isaiah Ugwueke
Olatosimi Kolawole
I was motivated to join because I believe the platform will support capacity building and also create linkages
Joab Othatcher
Charles Haskins
Networking, exchange of ideas, meeting likeminded individuals
Abdelaziz Zohri
Julian Macharia
Meet / interact with other organisations looking to effect change and achieve social justice in various spheres
James Nguo
Pieter Swart
I want to be part of a movement actively working towards a more just and fair economical system.
Janet Namuchile
Miles Bredin
Kwizera Rulinda
To build networks with like-minded people that are interested in advancing the SDGs
Dixoni Emmanuel
"Building today, a better Tanzania tomorrow''.
Timilehin Titilade Da-costa
Chika Offor
I love partnerships. Working together achieves better results
Alex Chitumbo
My motivation for joining Catalyst 2023 stems from a desire to deepen my impact in addressing gender-based violence and social inequality through innovative approaches. I hope to contribute by sharing insights from my work in Zambia, where we use sports as a tool for mentorship and advocacy for gender equality. By connecting with like-minded change-makers, I aim to exchange best practices, collaborate on transformative initiatives, and learn from global experiences.
Erica Kempken
The motivation to being part of Catalyst is due to its alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the invaluable opportunities and community it provides. I feel inspired knowing that Catalyst drives meaningful change in education, especially for disadvantaged communities, and fosters innovation and collaboration. This environment promotes creativity and teamwork, which I find incredibly rewarding. The opportunity for professional growth through exposure to new ideas.
Rose Maruru
Shem Ayiera
Issifu Sulemana
The numerouse information and resources that one stands to gain or take advantage to bring change / promote development in our local communities is my key motivation for joining
Precious Nyarambi
Tanatswa Chikaura
Farai- Sylvia Liwewe
I seek to create and build linkages to foster socio-economic change amongst adolescents and young people. I seek to learn from others and grow my knowledge in building successful social enterprises to ensure sustainability of projects within my community. I seek to build partnerships in raising funds for project implementation
Theodora Anti
Learn, share experience, contribute to Africa's development and boost my social entrepreneurship
Musa Bashir
Nalituba Mudenda
Beatrice Lempaira
To be part of the change and learn from others too.
Jolleen Opula
To learn and network worldwide and to get funding opportunities
Dr Fred Ochieng
Networking, collaboration and opportunities for co-creation and support
Pannan Henry
Networking and capacity building
Bernard Keikara Mugume
Catalyst has the biggest network of social entrepreneurs and willing to support and collaborate as well.
Tolulope Makinwa
The need to contribute to the social enterprise ecosystem
Sarah Amanabo
My model made the referral and their thematic focus on systems change for a sustainable future was a motivation
Margarida Vasconcelos
I am driven to create positive social and environmental change and make the world a better place. Being part of Catalyst allows me to engage in a meaningful way, work and collaborate with like-minded people and organisations to achieve common goals. This fantastic platform will enable me to share, learn and collaborate with inspiring and impactful people.
Nancy Obote
Luther Diedericks
Help and other and be helped to make the world a better place
Terence Asitibasi
Rachel Kwainona
My motivation to be part of the catalyst 2030 is to spread awareness on the awareness of sustainable development goal number 3 and 5, focusing on mental health and women & girls gender issues in my country and the world. Being part of this movement helps me to collaborate and network with other like minded leaders on raising awareness on these issues.
Susan Mwape
I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting/forward thinking/fast moving organisation that will help me advance my skills in SDGs.
Hauwa Indabawa
Robert Okodia
There are social problems and unmet needs I encounter within my community, so joining this Catalyst 2030 will inspire me to network, collaborate to help me find some solution for my community needs, I look forward to making my community a better place to live in..
Brenda Jasmine Mkiramweni
Richmond Brima Kabba
Theo Chiviru
Hery Rason
David Kode
Inutu Nalishuwa
Beniam Tilahun
Simon Marot Touloung
To network and share our experiences as an organization and to build our capacity
Lynn Elhadjali
Paula Pateguana
Joe Mapiki
Goto Magnum Cooper
Mike Kipkorir Bill
Catalyst 2030 is a great platform to express my role in implementing SDGs. I believe being a part of this will provide me with a helping hand.
Kolawole Faboyede
Vanessa CC
Gbemisola Adeshola Adenuga
We are willing to volunteer to work for the success of catalyst 2030 ensuring it's goals are met
Yves Kaguriro
Nancy Mbaura
Soulamane KONKOBO
Israel Balogun
Diana Ngaira
Grace Mureithi
Aisata Guiro
Lusekelo Naomi Chinyama
Mildret Muzanechita
Tasneem Emam
I am very interested in helping the community and achieving sustainable development goals in Sudan.
Lesego Holzapfel
Mohammed Adam
Ifeoluwa Olatunji
Emeka Nwachinemere
Claudia Castellanos
Odunayo Aliu
Olusola Idowu
The motivation that made me join has not been achieved as I still use my personal fund to help the vulnerable.
Ash Rogers
Julie Gichuru
Samukele Ngcobo
Odinakachi Eunicemary IJEOMA
I intend to contribute in the area of women and Youth development while learning from others too.
Aderoju Odunsi
Networking and sharing my professional expertise with others
Robyn Mafanya
Katherine Potaski
Joseph Munyambanza
Hannah Tsadik
Gilbert Ewehmeh
Mercy Munsaka
Reeta Roy
To contribute my best to achieve the set targets of the SDGs, I hope to receive a good team network
Rosemary Cumanzala
Maurice Oluoch
Because CATALYST20230 is a very large global network and enables me to connect with other social entrepreneurs pursuing the same goals as my organization.
Maria Vittoria Colucci
Uzoamaka Ike
Through this movement, I aim to expand my horizon in networking and in knowledge for capacity build
Amanda Solomon
Ikwo Ekuma
Contribute my medical knowledge and collaborate in other areas my expertise will be required
Oghenerukevwe Toka
I will contribute my strategic marketing skills and I hope to gain global travel and recognition.
Unai Gaztelu
Geoffrey Mulenga
To be part of the global social entrepreneurial Catalyst Family working to help and improve the welfare of people and communities in Zambia and beyond.
Doris Nelima
I personally believe in women empowerment; i am where i am because someone offered me their shoulder as a stepping stone to get a better view and get further up and i would like to do that for other women. The programs we run at RefuSHE are targeted at empowering vulnerable refugee girls and young women in urban areas and any opportunity to deepen the impact of our programs and reach even more refugee girls and young women is always something I jump to invest time and effort in. Catalyst 2030 gives me a platform for knowledge sharing to deepen impact of programs that champion for women empowerment through education, gender, mental health and livelihoods.
Oluwatosin Togunde
George Mike Luberenga
Connecting with like-minded professionals with the zeal to undertake actions towards climate change and to support the less advantaged.
Dennis Ekwere
As a multiplier, I am motivated to contribute to driving social change in my community with every little actions, adds up to solutions.
Yessenia Soto
Lorell Bell
Victoria N'dee Uwadoka
Learning, sharing and making impact
Anesu-Tendesai Chikumba
Gbenga Sesan
Emily Kaiga
Mbabazi Deogratious Oburye
Steven Mkoma
Sending to catalyst our working reports am looking to receive feedback from my community
Isabel Varela
Local Village Africa
We are hoping to connect with other social enterprises that are passionate about improving the livelihoods of communities.
Rita Gachagua
Catalyst 2030 is a great space for me to connect with other changemakers and organisations in need of my specific skills. This makes it a great space for me to interact, network and find opportunities to grow and learn while I collaborate with other changemakers.
Musa Nzamu
Kyenpia Gaya Best
I believe that collaboration makes the world especially global network easier and that was one of the most interesting part of catalyst 2030 for me.
Chilande Kuloba-Warria
Connect, Learn, Share and be inspired.
Samson Oloto
Mercy Wakanyi
Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan
We expect to share our award winning innovations and learn from the innovations of others
Vanessa Collett
Saul Chirume
As a changemaker, I am driven by the vision of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. This vision can only be realized through collaboration, innovation, and learning across sectors and regions. That is why I am thrilled to join Catalyst 2030, a global movement of social entrepreneurs and innovators who are working together to transform systems and create a better future for all. By being part of Catalyst 2030, I will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers and partners from around the world, exchange knowledge and best practices, and co-create solutions to the complex challenges facing our planet. I look forward to contributing to the movement and to the global effort to achieve the SDGs.
David Marlow
Nasri Adam
Jussa Kudherezera
Jeketule Soko
Sylvia Nalubega
Miantsa Andriamanantena
Degan Ali
Mugisha Paul
I want to be part of change makers that are making the world a better place
Simon Wachira Wahiu
To lead change through innovative pedagogy for quality education incorporating contemporary issues.
Rachel Roseberry
Barbara Lexmond
Titilola Floretta Adedoyin
To help vulnerable and displaced women/ girl child have a voice and to connect with people of like m
Nicholas Nyarko Asante
I hope to leverage on the global network this platform will provide to learn best ways to improve.
Ernest Chapi Mukete
I join catalyst through a recommendation from a friend. I hope to share my know-how with other catalyst members and network with others.
Sheila Ampumuza
To showcase the impact of our work to other communities, to network with other entities and find funding.
Mohamedahmed Khalifa
As a member of the Catalust 2030, I am motivated by the urgent need to address the most pressing issue of our time: climate change. I believe that together, we can make a tangible difference by working towards the achievement of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 13: Climate Action. I am driven by the desire to contribute to a better future for our planet, its inhabitants, and future generations. By joining forces, we can share knowledge, expertise, and resources to develop innovative solutions, raise awareness, and advocate for climate policies that promote sustainable development, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the environment. As a member of the Climate SDGs, I am committed to collaborating with like-minded individuals to create a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable word.
Dorothea Laiser
I look forward to receiving support, mentorship and if possible financial aid
Cecilia Omoze Ibomhen
I hope to commit my time and effort to this project,and in turn gain exposure and insights into the
Fauziya Abubakar kure
I hope to contribute my time ,knowledge and expertise,I hope to enhance my skills and expand my network of like minds to help drive the mandates of catalyst 2030
Alana James
Luisa Paiva
Brandon Rabanit
Catherine Kahabuka
Christina Levin
Jakpa Wizi
I am interested in working with other innovators to build a resilient community.
Harnelle Rakotobe
Butoto Bigiri Naum
C'est de pouvoir contribuer aux défis du développement de notre continent africains en général et en particulier pour la RDCONGO
Najeeb Yunusa Hassan
To network and collaborate with others
Alemiga Francis
In my day to day life I talk to fellows about the knowledge shared and collaboration attached in catalyst and how it impact one as an individual and organization and how this can be used to create changes for social entrepreneurship
Thando Rani
Clara Bosco
Robert Rugamba
I am interested in psychotherapy, community engagement, good governance and leadership, as referred to publication in job in Rwanda. I been working as social economic development officer of cell in Burera district since 2019, teacher of social science in primary schools for 4 years and also I have been a mentor of Unity club from my former working place this student club was aiming “HIV/AIDS awareness and inclusive education. I believe that the skills and experiences I have gained at this position make me an ideal candidate for the district office. In fact, I’m the founder of HFG Heritage Rwanda, fresh graduate from Catholic institute of kabgayi in the department of education, in additional I hold a diploma in Educational psychology from Alison and bachelor’s degree in education from Cavendish university of Uganda. I’m volunteering in different NGOs that all based in community like we got your back Rwanda, Wikimedia community user group Rwanda and youth estimation for peace and development, as I’m also working in local government and I’m a focal person in IMIHIGO performance especially in social protection and poverty reduction programs. The intervention is very appealing to me, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education make me a highly competitive candidate for this Position. My key strengths that would support my success in this duties and responsibilities include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported hard working and time management behaviors. I strive continually for excellence. I’m a human right activist, I’m a charismatic leader Inclusive education model I’m an active listener. Team work Critical thinking Management I can be reached anytime via email: or by cell phone, +250788420752.
Angela Jidechukwu Nwabueze
The need to be among a network of people that would inspire and empower me meet my career goals.
Ayisha Mohammed
Onnica Toko
As a biodiesel producer, I aim to contribute to the movement by providing a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. My goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy independence through the production of biodiesel from renewable sources. By leveraging innovative technologies and best practices in biofuel production, I hope to set new standards in the industry and inspire others to adopt greener energy solutions. From the community, I am looking to
Fairchance Ncube
Eva Kouka
i was really impressed with the power of its connections that can be used to create a big impact in communities through collaboration
Hafeezah Abdulraheem
Collaborate with other stakeholders
Josemarie Nyagah
Godfrey Okumu
Johnson Dickson
Wivine Byamungu
Olayinka Oladeyi
Haron Wachira
Uguru Nadia chinagorom
I want to join catalyst as a Gender Advocate to actively promote gender equality and support marginalized groups within the student community. My goal is to influence policies that foster inclusivity and address gender-specific challenges. By raising awareness and educating others on gender issues, I aim to create a more equitable environment. Collaborating with like-minded advocates will enhance our collective efforts towards meaningful change, ensuring that all students feel valued and supported.
Muthoni Kanga
social impact ecosystem building. Knowledge development platforms and spaces; research, fostering a link between academia and industry, Knowledge documentaiton and disemmination
Arc. Lola Ibrahim
🌟 I am excited to join Catalyst 2030 to champion a cause close to my heart: supporting teenage mothers! 🌸 Teenage motherhood comes with unique challenges, from limited opportunities to societal stigma. It's time to act and uplift these young women. Thrilled to extend a warm welcome to every member at EmpowerHer Collaboration! Together, we align with Catalyst 2030, aiming to make significant contributions to SDG 1, 3, 4, and 5. Through united efforts, we envision creating lasting change and empowering teenage mothers worldwide. 🚀 Prepared to collaborate, innovate, and leave a lasting impact! Let's collectively transform aspirations into impactful actions. 💪✨
Nicholaus Luoga
Bienvenu Matungulu
Collaboration and meet funding through Catalyst 2030
Karima Ouerjani
I am interested in learning and exchangine ideas with catalysts and leaders whose endeavors are devoted to co-creating a better future, being a teacher and a novice researcher, and an active member of Africa Voices Dialogue for Promoting Education and Learning, a co-founder of Africa Voices Dialogue-Heritage and Equity Network, and engaged with equity and vulnerable children and youth, I need to improve my capacities and explore new possibilities within Catlyst 2030 Movement
Caroline Cosby
Goodfellow Nkonkesha
Pacique Hirwa
I want to give my contribution so as to meet SDGs in general. And I found through this positively Impactful movement.
Tania Bearryman
Tawanda Murepa
Doreen Achieng Baraza Awino
Florence Agyemang Mensah
Kibret Tuffa
I want to give my network and connecting my self with other people net work to know others.
David Crouwkamp
المعلوم أوبك
Edwin C. mends-Cole
I'm motivated to joining Catalyst 2030 to tap into the many opportunities available and to also grow my organization through the network they have under their control.
Mukisa Joshua William
Racheal Inegbedion
Nnana Sunday
Agnes Ngamini
Adeyinka Shittu
Kiko Kiwanga
Osarume Akenzua
Ebun Feludu
Kenneth Ochuko
Temitope Jebutu
Emily Offodile
I am inspired by the chance to keep learning and developing my skillset. I find that I am most engaged when I am working on challenging projects that allow me to push myself and develop my skills. Additionally, I am also inspired by the chance to work with intelligent and seasoned colleagues who can teach me new things and advance my career
MUHIRE Jean Felix
David M. Tahn
Peers education and engagement
Julie Waiganjo
Elisa Novoa
Aissatou Diajhate
Chintu Masanta
Joining a network of like minds that i can collaborate and work with in ensuring that the SDGs are successfully achieved in my country.
Rose Enemchukwu
Patricia Okolo
Tais Siqueira
Nela Duke Ekpenyong
To collaborate for making a World better through addressing mental health issues
Emmanuel Gift Mulangeni
To engage, connect, network, collaborate and partners for a better planet earth.
Lodie Venter
The SDG's are "empty words" in our organisation. I want to learn more about to implement the SDG in a city.
John Umaru Swarray
a change maker in my community, and a social innovation