General Assembly

What is the General Assembly?
The Catalyst 2030 General Assembly (GA) is the space for our community to discuss common strategies and co-create Catalyst’s network initiatives. The GA is the movement’s monthly meeting when all members are welcome to share new ideas, provide updates on progress with collaborations, share calls to action to accelerate our common impact and celebrate each other’s achievements.
What does a General Assembly offer?
- A scheduled time to showcase Catalyst 2030 collaborations, Chapters, and Task Force Teams and to highlight the impact these are having across the world
- Monthly updates about events hosted by the network and its external ecosystem
Upcoming Events
General Assembly
Last Wednesday of every month | 3:00 to 4:30 pm CET
All Catalyst 2030 members are welcome to join the General Assembly.
Abridged General Assembly
Last Thursday of every month | 8 am CET
An abridged GA takes place the day following the main GA. It offers a recap to our community in the Asia Pacific as well as to all those who were not able to join the Wednesday session.

Get Involved
If you have questions, connect with the Community Building and Engagement Team: