The Governing Council
The Governing Council is the governance body of Catalyst 2030 and includes representatives from Ecosystem Partners, Working Groups, Regional and Country Chapters.
Ecosystem Council

Cheryl Dorsey

David Bonbright

François Bonnici

Jeroo Billimoria

Liza Mueller

Manmeet Mehta

Vanessa Wai
Collaborations Council

Andrea Coleman

Bradley Myles

Chris Underhill

Frédéric Bailly

Jack Sim

Kamilah Sanders

Mauricio Canedo

Mauricio Parili

Meenakshi Gupta

Mel Young

Olivier Nkunzurwanda

Rana Dajani

Sheela Patel

Urvashi Sahni

Wamuyu Mahinda

Winthrop Carty
Geographical Council

Asha Murphy

David Parejo

Faiz Kamaludin

Gisela Solymos

Gisele Yitamben

Jackie Kassouf

Jason Jacobs

Luis Camargo

Sipho Mwanza

Sunish Jauhari

Valeria Duflot
Working Groups / Standing Committees Council

Colin McElwee

Gannon Gillespie

Janet Longmore

John Kania

Manoj Panjwani

Matthew Bishop

Rodrigo Baggio

Sanjoy Roy

Shiv Kumar

Tim Hanstad
Previous Governing Council Member

Jonathan Jackson

Karen Spencer

Kristine Pearson

Sohini Bhattacharya