Democratic Republic of the Congo Chapter
Development Stage
Number of members
25Collaborations chair(s)
Contact person
Butoto Bigiri Naum
C'est de pouvoir contribuer aux défis du développement de notre continent africains en général et en particulier pour la RDCONGO
Bienvenu Matungulu
Collaboration and meet funding through Catalyst 2030
Ingrid Yitamben
My motivation to join Catalyst 2030 is driven by a shared commitment to catalyze impactful change globally. Through collaborative efforts, we can address pressing challenges with innovative solutions and collective action. I believe in the power of diverse perspectives and agile approaches to drive systemic change and create a more equitable, sustainable future. By leveraging our collective expertise and networks, we can scale proven solutions and accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. I am inspired by the opportunity to contribute to this transformative movement, working alongside like-minded individuals and organizations to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Flory Kazingufu
Because CATALYST20230 is a very large global network and enables me to connect with other social entrepreneurs pursuing the same goals as my organization.
Wivine Byamungu
Musa Nzamu
Heri Bitamala
Bienvenu Matungulu
Collaboration and meet funding through Catalyst 2030
Butoto Bigiri Naum
C'est de pouvoir contribuer aux défis du développement de notre continent africains en général et en particulier pour la RDCONGO
Yves Kaguriro
Victorine SIFA PANDA
Pour pouvoir collaborer a des projets
Nous avons intégré le mouvement afin de contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. En effet le CEDEJ-GL veut contribuer à la promotion d'une jeunesse intègre engagée dans le processus de développement. Dans le mouvement CATLYST2030 nous comptons collaborer avec les mouvements des jeunes afin de leur doter des capacités qui devront leur permettre de mettre en place des initiatives entrepreneuriales. Nous attendons que la communauté nous soutienne et accompagne
Our motivation is based on the desire to promote a global inter-organizational partnership
Alexis KHANA
Le feu brûle ci-haut si chacun apporte un morceau de bois, seul on va vite mais ensemble on va plus loin. ma motivation de prime abord se résume sur les adages, segundo; la possibilité de rencontrer les décideurs, les bailleurs des fonds et partenaires internationaux pour une cause commune.
My contributions and willing to receive from the movement includ among others: Offer Best DR Congo context analysis, advocate with others, disability inclusion practices and approaches, Coordinating with others, influence on policies with others, doing studies and publish the resulta to improve our programs with others, learning and share.
CHIKURU Henri-Dunant
As the founder and CEO of Fobeworld, I am motivated to attend the Catalyst 2030 community to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations who are committed to making positive social impact. I believe that being a part of this community will provide me with valuable insights, resources, and opportunities to collaborate with others who share our mission to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and advance their rights and equality for girls.
Menemene Mugoli Jeanne-Nicole
I am convinced that local solutions can contribute to solve global problems. I am able to help hilight local solutions from diffrent places. I am expect learning more about how solutions we create and apply today can help achieve the 2030 objectives.
Martin MWAMB
Martin MWAMB
Yanick Kalala
Être un acteur du changement, d'une transformation sociale pacifique etnon violante pour un développement durable.
Steeve Cabwine
Nous sommes motivés pour bénéficier au renforcement des capacités en ligne mais aussi pour mener de plaider dans le cadre de fundraising .
Alexis Mbumb
Caractère social avec nos obdjectid 2030
Samuel Muderhwa
we like it, and seem like it may help our organization to moving up in many ways
Elvis Nshimba
Contribute to the achievement of the 2030 agenda with my experience as well as learn best practices and experiences from other members.
Notre motivation à rejoindre cette communauté est de trouver un espace d'échange avec d'autres innovateurs entrepreneurs sociaux comme moi afin de m'aider à réaliser le plus meilleur de moi même
Ingrid Yitamben
My motivation to join Catalyst 2030 is driven by a shared commitment to catalyze impactful change globally. Through collaborative efforts, we can address pressing challenges with innovative solutions and collective action. I believe in the power of diverse perspectives and agile approaches to drive systemic change and create a more equitable, sustainable future. By leveraging our collective expertise and networks, we can scale proven solutions and accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. I am inspired by the opportunity to contribute to this transformative movement, working alongside like-minded individuals and organizations to make a meaningful difference in the world.