Catalysing Change Week 2021 was the story of more. More sessions than ever before, more speakers, more regions represented, more connections established and more impact than we could have dreamed of. If you missed any of the sessions, keep following our social media for reminders of the highlights, or go directly to the session you would like to watch through our YouTube playlist.
Catalysing Change Week in 2020 led to the seminal report Getting from Crisis
to Systems Change: Advice for leaders in the time of COVID. The 2021 Week is expected to have even greater impact, with a number of reports and initiatives underway. The first is a letter to G7 and G20 leaders which lays out three broad principles and eight specific recommendations designed to inspire the leaders to include social innovators in the design and implementation of solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. The G7 will be held in Carbis Bay in Cornwall from 11 – 13 June.