Collaboration stage
Number of members
Regional focus
SDG Focus
Urvashi Sahni
Mishri Jain
Asha Murphy
I want to contribute my pedagogy expertise in game-based learning in transforming education. I am looking for software / app development experts to help with developing a global citizen game.
Ashraf Patel
Edward Stevenette
Edwin Wanabe
I hope to contribute innovative strategies, grassroots insights, and collaborative projects to the movement, amplifying efforts for children's rights and education. From the community, I seek support, shared knowledge, and partnerships to enhance our impact, ensuring sustainable, inclusive solutions for the challenges faced by African children.
Emer Beamer
Erika Twani
Haluk Aykul
Kavita Anand
Provides me with a network that makes it possible to keep abreast of developments in the field and in my SDG.
Luciane Coutinho
Luis Camargo
Working collaboratively to accelerate the transition to a regenerative future.
Rana Dajani
I joined catalyst to be part of a community of like minded people to draw and exchange energy and inspiration and wisdom.
Urvashi Sahni
Varsha Pillai
Vincent Obi
To collaborate with like-minds towards achieving the SDGs
Debbi Brock
Elif Muratoğlu
Sharad Baggonkar
My motivation to join Catalyst is to play a role, in trying to make a difference to peoples lives by getting our educational & learning product to reach as many children & curious minds as possible - across the globe. We want to special attention to the marginalized parts of the society whose growth is restricted by the limited means of living that people have. We believe that Education & Learning is the only way 'thinking' can change and only when that happens - will we will begin to see changes within us and around us - which can then lead to a better life. The idea is to inspire children and the curious minds to think - by acquiring knowledge and information and we want to reach as many of them as possible.
Ernest Gibson Kpordotsi
To connect with people from all over the world in order to contribute my quota to achieving the Catalyst 2030 goals by assisting in program organization, budgeting and fundraising ideas, monitoring, evaluating, and supervising programs and projects in any aspect of the SDGs while learning new things to improve my potential.
Fiona Rutherford
Katarina Elez
I would like to contribute my technical and educational expertise and I am looking to receive collaboration opportunities.
Muthoni Muhunyo
I am connected and aligned with the C2030 mission and vision. I am a changemaker and happy to connect, serve and drive the agenda with like-minded people and organisations.
Berenika Rozanska
Syed Shawal
To promote Sustainable Development Goals among learners through STEM education. Therefore enabling them to transform their classroom learning into STEM solutions that address challenges facing sustainable living and growth. Quality education is the cornerstone to achieving sustainable goals and connecting learners in different countries through STEM sustainable development goals-based competitions allow them to share their throughs and engage in discourse around sustainability which promotes collective consciousness.
Himanshu Rathi
Pradeep Mohapatra
good partnership with action, advocacy & research
Vinita Nanda
Contribute promoting SDGs among students,promote global citizenship in education.get networks for it
Collaborate with the stakeholders to innovate Education that supports building a sustainable world for our future generation.
David L Wright
Systems Change
Alicia Shepherd
To contribute to the successful implementation designed to fulfil UNSDG2030, in particular those that directly affect formal education, climate change and gender related issues.
Nissaf Sleymi
Lubna Dajani
Terence Asitibasi
Nicole Swedlow
Michelle Blythe
Kennedys has a global presence, with employees spread throughout five regions: Latin America, Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Asia. Our aim is to make use of Catalyst 2030's incredible networks in order to engage employees in two regions: LATAM and ASIA. Our goal is to use our people's highest and best abilities to generate opportunities for change. No one individual, business, or country can bring about change on its own. We want to collaborate with our employees, clients, communities and other stakeholders across the globe to address the enormous issues of our time. Our biggest asset is the combined talent of our employees, and through our new 'Thrive Together' social impact programme, I hope to bring along my colleagues on this journey for change.
Chika Ogah
I hope to contribute in any capacity I can. More over if it aligns with our company's profile.
Linda Agyei
To gain skills, knowledge and experience
Anand Chaturvedi
To put very simply, "to recharge to do more". Ever since I became a member of Catalsy2030, I have come across some amazing souls and have brushed off their energy and enthusiasm for the work we do. I regularly attend the GA and wish to volunteer and contribute more.
Delfina Reuben
Networking, new knowledge skills and connections for supporting me in improving the communities I work with
Gina Monahan
As an individual, I am in the pursuit of being in spaces that are dedicated to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) through systems change and as it so happens, this is the mission of Catalyst 2030 thus wanting to become a part of this organization was a no brainer.
Alla Adam
Meet bright-minded humans who are building something meaningful that will change the world.
Monisha Vemavarapu
Francine Kliemann
-Joint advocacy, arts&social change, thought-leadership, -Funding and partnerships
Khadija Huseynova
Andrew Mangeni
Prominent characteristics is that I am a result oriented and an excellent team player with the aim of contributing to the SDGs achievement globally by 2030.
N'guettia Simon Pierre KOBENAN
Contribuer à faire atteindre les objectifs et la vision de Catalyst 2030
Jonas Morton Phiri
Initiative to actively engage, involve and empower youth and women groups to participate in Local Enomic Development activities to uplifit their life wellbeing.
Nduku Louis Tebi
We were motivated to joint catalyst because we are passionate about driving social change, collaborating with others to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and creating a more equitable and sustainable world.
Emmanuella Orioma
I hope to bring more women to tech and promote gender equality in tech education. I aim to train women in full-stack engineering and fully optimizing AI tools at no cost with a full technical and operational team. With the Catalyst movement, I would be able to provide more accessibility to quality education.
Ruth Entwistle
I would like to join the community because I believe that we are stronger together. I hope to contribute our knowledge of working with youth in entrepreneurial development in Southern Haiti. As an organization we hope to receive community, comradery, and support in the common goal of reversing the trend towards poverty and dependency.
Diwakar Singh
networking with like-minded people and organizations working in the field of social entrepreneurship and working towards UN SDG's
Abdulwhab mohammed Abdualwhab
اجاد فرصة لتوسيع دائرة المشاركة والعلاقات المحلية والدولية التي من شأنها فتح افاق وقنوات جديدة لحشد الدعم والتمويل وتحويد الجهود المبذولة التي تصب في صالح تنمية المجتمع اليمني وغيره من المجتمعات الدولية
Maria Ollé
Maryam Garba-Sani
Determined to democratise the will and agency to create positive change and contribute to sustainable futures, I'm excited to continue learning from and building with the Catalyst family!
Lisha LING
Nsimire Aston
To connect with social entrepreneurs across the world and build big community to solve most Africa problems affecting youth
Vikram Ghandeeswaran Narayanan
I bring hands-on experience in educational innovation and a commitment to collective impact. Having previously coordinated Catalyst 2030's Education Collaboration, I aim to continue contributing at an individual level. I seek the invaluable learning and inspiration that comes from this network's collective wisdom.
Itunu Isaac Bamidele
As a social impact leader, I am keen to engage the platform with a keen interest in community development and sharing knowledge to members, collaborate on project and shared interests while fostering the shared visions. Partnerships and collaboration are a key elements of social impact, and I believe that together is better than alone. Joining Catalyst 2030 help me gain access to platform resources, network and community development tools to further the social impact work that I currently do.
Faire partie d'un réseau permettant un partage d'expériences, un appui mutuel, un renforcement de capacités afin d'atteindre mon objectif qui est d'opérer un changement systémique dans mon pays à travers le leadership dans l'éducation