Catalyst 2030 member RightWalk Foundation serves the people of Uttar Pradeshworking with children and youth to ensure equal access to educational opportunities.
Media Hub Posts
Building strong foundations in ECD
Catalyst 2030 Member, The Right Path Foundation, works with under-resourced ECD teachers, providing psychological and practical support for their development
Breaking the cycle of poverty
Catalyst 2030 member, The Power of the Heels Foundation, based in Miami, US, works with underprivileged and high-risk girls as well as some of their mothers to break the cycle of poverty.
Decision-making, made easy
Catalyst 2030 member, ODE Objectified Decision Engine focuses on educating children, adolescents and young adults through self-learning tools.
Supporting a culture of learning
Catalyst 2030 member Educate 2030 is helping to build a world where all children can access quality education, no matter their economic background.
How investing in social impact networks can spur innovation and change
All social impact networks—have the potential for innovation and to create a powerful human capital-based circular economy
How corporate funders can support social innovation across CEE – Forbes
Catalyst 2030 global network has created a tool for funders that can be used for self-assessment and further development of systems change work.
Look deeper, listen more carefully
The Collaborations team within Catalyst 2030 is always looking for ways to foster deeper and more meaningful connections within the community.
Meaningful work for adults with autism
Catalyst 2030 member Auspice Social provides unique human-centric. hands-on training and skill development to adults with autism.
On track for a trillion trees
1treellion is planting trees in small communities globally to improve the lives of impoverished communities and to mitigate climate change.