This team works to strengthen the work and impact of social innovators with funding that is accessible, equitable and to builds partnerships.
Catalyst Co-Labs joins forces with CVPA in Kenya
Catalyst Co-Labs convened to help Collaborative Value Partners Africa (CVPA) come closer to identifying metrics for their ecosystem development model
Empowered 4 Tomorrow Hub: Creating inclusive societies for children, orphans and adults with disabilities
In Sierra Leone, two thirds of people with disabilities live in rural areas where access to opportunities and support is limited.
IHFVA: Empowering young entrepreneurs
The plight of youth is the reason for the existence of Infinite Hope for Vulnerable Africa, to empower them with entrepreneurial skills.
Building Enabling Ecosystems for Social Enterprises
Catalyst 2030’s Africa Forward February forum was themed “Building Enabling Ecosystems for Social Enterprises”.
Making Local Central
Given the scale and increasing numbers of disasters, the Disasters Group was formed by members concerned about the impact on humanity.
The POWER of collaboration
Catalysing collaborations that affect systems change is central to Catalyst 2030’s mission and a powerful reason to join the organisation.
Empowering the Next Generation of Social Entrepreneurs: Lessons from Catalyst 2030’s Africa Forward February Forum
African stakeholders in entrepreneurship were urged to collaborate in creating an ecosystem that supports social entrepreneurship.
AESIR: Gamifying special education
Catalyst 2030 member, AESIR, is an impact venture company using augmented and virtual reality gaming solutions for people with special needs.
Rwanda chapter moving ahead on community outreach
The chapter has undertaken two community outreach programmes, hosted a Conversation Café and sent delegates to national community dialogues.