Catalyst 2030 member TEBITA Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Service provides ambulance and emergency medical services in Ethiopia.
Media Hub Posts
Cities Ending Homelessness – A joint initiative of Homeless World Cup and Catalyst 2030
Catalyst 2030 is joining the Homeless World Cup in launching ‘Cities Ending Homelessness’, to find ways to end global homelessness.
Center for Ecological Agriculture and Livelihoods: sustainability practices
The strapline for CEAL,“Brightening the future for small holder farmers in Northern Ghana”, clearly defines the organisation’s vision.
Catalyst 2030 Awards showcase role models supporting the social innovation sector
The Catalyst 2030 Awards showcase funders, governments and corporations whose support for social innovation make them role models.
Catalyst 2030 Team in Focus: Chapters (Part Two)
This team supports social innovation collaborations across communities and regions through facilitating regional and country Chapters.
Malaysia Chapter: Youth in space entrepreneurship
Catalyst 2030 Malaysia Chapter and Moteevasi Media Sdn Bhd have agreed to collaborate on a Junior Astropreneur Exchange (JAX) Project.
Navigating the Intersection of Technology and Social Change: A Conversation with Jim Fruchterman, CEO of Tech Matters
Listen to a conversation between Jim Fruchterman, a member of Catalyst 2030, and Denver Frederick, host of The Business of Giving.
Catalyst 2030 Team in Focus: Chapters (Part One)
This team supports social innovation collaborations across communities and regions through facilitating regional and country Chapters.
Discussing the Community Resiliency Model
The Community Resiliency Model: The autonomic nervous system, how the body responds to stress and how it can be restored to balance.
Strengthening mental health for social innovators
The Catalyst 2030 Mental Health Collaboration reflects on the importance of integrating mental health care in social change practices.